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اقوى مراجعة أحياء للصف الأول الثانوى 2012

اقوى مراجعة أحياء للصف الأول الثانوى 2012

مراجعة أحياء للصف الأول الثانوى
اقوى مراجعة أحياء للصف الأول الثانوى 2012


عدل سابقا من قبل حورية المتوسط في الإثنين 14 نوفمبر 2011, 9:49 am عدل 1 مرات
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جزاكم الله خيرا على هذا العمل الرائع
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جزاكم الله خيرا على هذا العمل الرائع
على الوكيل
I.Give reasons for:
1.Termites (white ants) have the ability to live (feed) on wood .
Because they have protoza flagellates inside them which have the ability to digest cellvoiose (wood) into sugar.
2.The Hyacinth plant disturbed the Nile river environment.
Because it decreases the amount of water, increases the bilhariza and inhibit navigation.
3.Fungi may be parasites or saprophytes.
Some fungi can not live except inside a host body so they are
parasites while other fungi feed on dead plants or animals so they
4.Decomposers are the cleaning system of nature.
Because they feed on dead organic materials so prevent their a ccumilotion.
5.Before growing cotton crop, it is preferable to grow a leguminous plant such as clover.
Because the roots of leguminous plants are nitrogenous compounds that are absorbed by the plant..
6.Environmental equilibrium is a dynamic one.
Because if any change happens in the environment it has the ability to return back to its first situation.
7.Nitrosomona s bacteria & Nitrobacter bacteria are autotrophic although their cells have no chlorophyll.
Because through chemical reactions they produce compounds that release energy through oxidation.
II. Compare autotrophic nutrition & heterotrophic nutrition
a. Autotrophic nutrition is a method of feeding where the organism
can make their own food by building organic materials .ex.
b. Heterotrophes can not make their own food & get their energy from
other living organisms.
III. Give reasons for the following :

1.The relation between shark and Remora fish is considered mutualism
while that between shark and other small fish is considered predation.
Because the remora benefits from feeding on the remains of the food of
the shark without harming it. While the shark is considered a predator
when it feeds on the fish cprey.
2.The giraffe's neck has elongated (according to Lamarck )
Because dryness killed grass land so short- necked giraffes stretched their necks to obtain from high brancnes .
3.Natural selection leads to adaptation
Weak individuals extract while those which have the ability to adapt
to environmental conditions sunrise and pass on these charackristics to
their off springs.
IV.Answer the following:
Give an example for an aquatic food chain
Algae then protozoa then crustacean then small fishthen big fish then bacteria then minerals+ salts
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