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مراجعة المتميز science خامسة ابتدائي ترم أول بالاجابات أ. أميرة أحمــد

الأن مراجعة الــ " science " .. الصف الخامس بالاجابات
مراجعة الساينس "س و ج"
Xylem are small vessels in the plant that transport water and nutrients to
other parts of plant.
2 Burdock seeds can stick to animal fur because they have spines
3 Plants take carbon dioxide from air to make its food.
Plants make their own food during photosynthesis process
5 Flower produce seeds for the plant reproduction.
Root of plant absorbs water and nutrients from the soil.
Veins carry blood rich in carbon dioxide gas.
• Stomata are narrow holes in plant's leaves.
Inside the green plant, sunlight allows carbon dioxide to combine with
water that is absorbed from the soil by plant's root.
10 The food of plant is a type of sugar which is made in their leaves by
photosynthesis process.
Different plants have three main common structures which are roots,
stem and leaves.
12 Both humans and animals cannot produce their own food
13 Plants produce oxygen gas and glucose during photosynthesis process.
14 Decomposition process takes place on land as well as under water
15 Bread mold and mushroom are two types of decomposers
In a food chain, the energy flows from primary consumer to a
17 Sea birds feed on small fish
18 Frog eats an insect that feeds on plants, this means that frog is a
secondary consumers.
Some marine animals can not differ between food and plastic as sea turtle
In a marine habitat micro plastic could be ingested by the coral reefs and
process harms it.
مراجعة المتميز science خامسة ابتدائي ترم أول بالاجابات أ. أميرة أحمــد 6133
مراجعة المتميز science خامسة ابتدائي ترم أول بالاجابات أ. أميرة أحمــد 7110
مراجعة المتميز science خامسة ابتدائي ترم أول بالاجابات أ. أميرة أحمــد 897مراجعة المتميز science خامسة ابتدائي ترم أول بالاجابات أ. أميرة أحمــد 979
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