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اقوى واهم اسئلة قصة انجليزى ثالثة اعدادى ترم ثانى (رحلة الى مركز الارض)

اقوى واهم اسئلة قصة انجليزى ثالثة اعدادى ترم ثانى (رحلة الى مركز الارض)
1-What was Axel awakened by ?
 By a noise like thunder or waves crashing on the seashore.
2-Why did the prof ask Axel to call to him again?
 To calculate the distance between them .
3-Why did Axel lose consciousness  ( faint)  again ?
 Because Axel went very fast and his head hit a sharp rock .
4-When did the professor give a cry of joy ?
 When Axel was still alive.
5-How was the light in the huge cave different ?
 It was cold , white and unlike sunlight or moonlight.
6-What did they see along the shore of “the Lidenbrock Sea”?
 They saw bones of extinct animals and giant mushrooms.
7-What were the  giant umbrellas ?
 They were giant mushrooms.
8- What fantastic creatures did Axel expect to see on his voyage ?
 He exepected to see lizards , whales and extinct birds .
9- How did Hans make the raft ? Why did Hans make the raft ?
 Hans cut down some trees and tied them together to explore the sea.

10-How did Hans try fishing ?
 He tied a hook to a rope , put some meat on it and threw it into the sea .
11-Why was the fish strange? What did the professor say about it ?
 Because it had a flat head with no tail or eyes. It was an extinct fish.
12-What did the two monsters do ?
 They fought each other. One of them was killed.
13-How did Axel recognize (know) the mammoths? What were mammoths ?
 From pictures in his science books. They were extinct elephants .
14-What was the fountain of water ?
 It was a geyser coming out of an island .
15-What did they find on the other shore of the Lidenbrock Sea ?
 They found bones of extinct animals and a skull of a human.
16-Why did they leave the other shore of the sea ?
 They were afraid of the giant shepherd. The shepherd was 3 m tall .
17-The professor tied a pickaxe to a rope and threw it into the sea to……..
calculate (know) the depth of the sea .
*They found teeth marks of a sea monster on the pickaxe .
18-The giant shepherd was looking after…… a herd of mammoths.
19- Although the sea monsters were terrifying ,…… they didn’t attack the 3 men.
20-The sea was named after Lidenbrock , and the island.… was named after Axel
21-Axel wanted to lower the mast & the sail…...because of the storm.
x=The professor didn′t want (refused) to lower the sail and take down the mast because…… he wanted the storm to take them away.

22-What did Axel find on the shore ?
 Axel found a knife made of steel.
23-Who was the owner of the knife? What did he use it for ?=Why was it rough ?
 Arne Saknussemm . He used it to carve his initials on a rock.
24-Why did Arne Saknussemm carve his initials  A.S . on a rock ?
 To guide others to the centre of the earth .
25- Why (When) did Axel’s fears and doubts about the journey disappear ?
 Because a great traveller had been there before them.
26- Why couldn’t the explorers enter the tunnel ?
 Because a huge rock blocked the way to the centre of the earth .
27-How did they break the rock at last ? How was gunpowder useful (helpful) ?
 By gunpowder. It was used to blow up the rock .
28-Why did they make a fuse out of cloth ?
 To blow up the rock safely.
29-As soon as the gunpowder had exploded……….
 a huge hole was opened and the sea became one big wave.
30-The travellers lost their food , water and tools because of……. the explosion.

31-Why was the compass crazy? = Why was the professor happy ?
 Because they were in the middle of an active volcano.
32-What was their only chance to return to the surface of the earth ?
 The eruption of the volcano.
33-What was the last memory Axel had of the volcanic eruption ?
 Hans’s face looking at him.
34-Where was Axel when he came to himself after the volcanic  eruption ?
 He was on a mountain crater on the surface of the earth.
35-Axel couldn’t remember much about the eruption of the volcano ……as he had fainted because of the heat.
36-The  compass  needle was moving in all directions (crazy) because…….
 they were in the middle of an active volcano.
37-Axel knew they were back to the surface of the earth when… he could see the sky.
38-The active volcano was helpful as…it took them to the surface of the earth.

39-Where were the three men when they returned to the surface of the earth ?
 On the island of Stromboli , in Italy .
40-How did they know that they were in Italy ?
 Because the boy they saw spoke only in Italian .
41-How were the people in San Vicenzo kind to the three men ?
 They gave them food , drink and new clothes.
42-Why did the prof have to tell the story of the journey many times ?
 Because people enjoyed hearing it .
43-Why were Axel and the professor sorry at the end of the story?
 Because Hans decided to return to Iceland .
44-The weather was warm and there were many trees , plants and gardens , so Hans …….. said that it wasn’t Iceland .
45-Although they entered the earth through an extinct volcano,…………………
 they returned through an active volcano.
46-The Three men looked strange, so the boy ….. was afraid of them .
47-In their honour , the people in Hamburg ..
 held a celebration and made speeches .
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